Your IIP Journey

Additional recognition

New Choices is a forward looking tailored approach that allows you to prioritise areas of improvement and recognises progress already made. Every organisation who achieves Investors in People recognition has been on a remarkable journey and can be really proud of their achievement.

Whilst maintaining The Standard, we have introduced additional Bronze, Silver and Gold recognition, designed to provide additional stretch and sign-post areas for further development as well as to celebrate success.

The Standard represents a true commitment to employees and demonstrates a solid foundation of good practice and it remains a challenge and aspiration for many organisations.

Investors in People Bronze places an organisation at the leading edge of best people management practice in their chosen areas. Bronze organisations are advanced Investors in People, using the framework to meet their goals, progressing well beyond The Standard.

Investors in People Silver shows a forward thinking and expansive approach to cascading best practice through every level of the organisation. It demonstrates a progressive approach to business improvement through people.

Investors in People Gold represents achievement of world class best practice. It shows a truly cutting-edge organisation is operating at the very highest levels of people management practices using Investors in People to drive the business forward.

Additional Recognition is awarded based on the numbers of evidence requirements achieved during your assessment.

  • Investors in People Bronze status requires you to achieve a minimum 26 evidence requirements beyond The Standard
  • Investors in People Silver status requires you to achieve a minimum 76 evidence requirements beyond The Standard
  • Investors in People Gold status requires you to achieve a minimum 126 evidence requirements beyond The Standard

To discuss Additional Recognition and New Choices in more depth with a member of our team, please contact us.