
Culture and communication

Investors in People can help you create the right culture for your organisation helping you achieve your vision and objectives.

Great Culture, Great Company

Creating a good culture within your company can have benefits for everyone. As well as a happier workforce, people may also feel better able to do their jobs and be productive.

Some benefits are:

  • People feel involved.
  • People have a sense of ownership of the culture.
  • The organisation meets its legal requirements.
  • Constructive feedback can be used for continuous improvement.
  • Communication Channels provide a simple vehicle for regular review.

Communicate Your Vision

A major part of the culture is having clear channels of communication. You can do this by creating a positive culture and environment that supports communication and encourages fairness and consistency.

To encourage a good culture:

  • Keep your communication channels simple.
  • Put short timescales on meetings and stick to them.
  • Minimise paperwork.
  • Agree content of individual.
  • Managers need to have the power to make change happen.
  • Keep any questionnaires/surveys short and simple.
  • Use recognised sources to keep up-to-date with your legislative requirements

Practical Ideas

One of the most important ways you can create a good culture where people feel able to communicate is to take feedback on board and be flexible.

Find out how people like to be communicated with and always acknowledge their feedback and act quickly to put changes in place.

  • Meet your legal requirements as an employer.
  • Get agreement on individual roles and responsibilities.
  • Up-skill managers to support the culture.
  • Involve people in the culture and believe in it yourself.
  • Review communication processes.

If you would like to discuss how Investors in People can work with you to improve the communication and culture at your organisation, please contact us.