
Performance management

Investors In People can help you manage the performance of people, teams and your organisation on an ongoing basis. You need to have an agreed approach in place and managers with the skills and behaviour that supports success.

Positive Relations, Positive Contributions

Creating strong relationships between managers and their people will ensure that everyone will be clear about what is expected of them in terms of performance.

Good performance will be recognised and poor performance will be dealt with swiftly and professionally maximising the efficiency of the team and retain motivation and morale.

  • Regular reviews will motivate and focus people to perform and continually improve.
  • People management measures will be aligned to business priorities

Practical Ideas

You need to look at what needs to be done at different levels in the organisation – individual, team and organisation and you should remember to give recognition regularly, once a year is not enough.

Think about:

  • Understanding the importance and features of constructive feedback
  • Having the mechanisms for giving recognition to individuals and teams

Some ideas:

  • A manager needs to know when to lead, when to develop and when to coach.
  • Remember no-one ever gets motivated by completing a form! It is the quality of the discussion that is important.
  • Use all the mechanisms to engender continuous improvement and change in the organisation.

If you would like to talk to a member of our team about performance management, please contact us.