High performance working

No organisation stands still. Benefits of continuing to work with Investors in People, either through ongoing accreditation or other support, include increased staff retention, motivation, productivity and ease of cultural change within your organisation.

71% of Captains of Industry leading organisations recognised with the Investors in People Standard feel that it continuously challenges organisations to improve.
Ipsos MORI, Captains of Industry 2007 Survey, 2008

Assessment against the Investors in People Standard is a valuable way in which you can measure organisational development and improvement and provide a clear guide on where your focus should be.

The best organisations don’t stand still, but continually challenge themselves to get better. The person who tells you that they've got everything right has just exposed their first weakness. You can use Investors in People to know where you want to go, and how well you're equipped to get there.

This can be achieved through the following:

To find out more about the benefits of High Performance Working and how Investors in People can help you achieve this, please contact us.